A Deeper Word

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Dear God,

Dear God,

Right now I’m hurting, crying, and praying because I feel a heavy burden to pray for the families of those who lost their lives in last weekend’s highly-publicized helicopter crash- some famous, and some not famous. The world does not know each person who loses their life on earth through many incidents, illnesses, etc. But You do. God, Your eyes see it all.

How it must have hurt You to see Your Son, Jesus, carry His cross and suffer for mankind, bearing the world’s sins, pains, losses, and more. It doesn’t even compare, but right now I feel the “weight of the world” on me, a prayer burden from You to prompt me to pray for people who are hurting because of loss of any kind. Lord, help me to lift the people of the world up to You so that You can lift their sorrow and pain. Let them know that Jesus bore our pains and sorrows so that we may find comfort and peace. Truly, Jesus knows, feels, and understands all that humanity goes through. Lord Jesus, You went through what we do yet You overcame to help and heal us as we come to You. We receive all that You are: Love, Healer, Helper, Comforter, and everything we need. Lord God, we give You all our pain and sorrow, and we receive Jesus as Savior, Lord, Healer, and Friend. Truly You are the God Who is near when we hurt, cry, and suffer loss. We find our strength, hope, and help in You.

Dear God, I know as I pray for the people of the world, You will save, protect, heal, love, bless and be all to them that they need. You are the God Who is near when we hurt, cry, and suffer loss. The Word says You even catch all our tears and store them in a bottle- that’s how precious our tears are to You. We find our strength, hope, and help in You. You understand and feel our pain and losses, yet You are the One who can and will help us to get through it and feel better. You are the One who will bring us to the place where we can smile, laugh, hope, and live life again. You will bring us out more determined than ever before to make the most of every moment of every day. As that happens, we will be equipped and inspired to help and reach out to others, mentoring them to be the best they can be and sharing Your love with them.

Dear God, how Your love touches us, inspiring us to be better people and to make this world a better place. Your love fills our lives, and we are the better for it. Thank you for healing and touching hurting humanity today.


Your son Jim

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Psalm 34:18 (New Living Translation, NLT)