God Sees You Differently

God Sees You Differently

For the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. I Samuel 16:7 (KJV)

My friend, God knows and sees the real you. People may see you based on surface things like the color of your hair or the sound of your voice, but God see beyond those things. You may have been hurt, rejected, or misunderstood by people, but God knows the real you- and He likes you for who you are!

Jesus came to preach the Gospel to the poor in spirit; the humble, those who know their need for God. He came for those who have been afflicted by life, oppressed by the devil, or marginalized by man. He loves those who are disadvantaged in life or those who haven’t been able to catch a break with people. When you have God, it doesn’t matter what you’re not or what you don’t have because God more than makes up the difference. God is El Shaddai, the God who is more than enough, and your insufficiency is swallowed up in His all-sufficiency. He always tips the scales in your favor, to your advantage.

God will make up lost time for you and give you what no man would or could give you.He will pay you back for everything you were shorted by people. He will pour an abundance of blessing and favor out on you and take you from the back to the front. He will give more, do more, and be more to you than any person ever could. The Lord sees your heart, knowing your desires, dreams, wants, and needs, and He will not disappoint you. He will do abundantly above and beyond all you could ever ask, think, hope, or pray for (Ephesians 3:20).

God sees you inside and out and He wants to do you good. He knows you for who you really are- and He loves you dearly!

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