Don't Fear The Truth

For if you embrace the truth, it will release true freedom into your lives. John 8:32 (The Passion Translation, TPT)

We’ve all heard the phrase, “The truth hurts.” Often that is the case, especially when it is a truth about ourselves that we were previously unaware of. Coming face to face with reality after living with deception for a long time can be quite a shock.

No matter how shocking or how astounding truth is when we first see it, it has the power to set us free. Becoming free from deception and lies is the best gift we could ever receive. Truth is a deliverer. Although it can be very uncomfortable, even devastating in some ways, we should welcome the truth and embrace it. God uses truth to liberate and to make things right. When we hide from truth it keeps us from being healed and released from bondage.

When truth present itself to you, whether it is about you or something else, do not turn away. Look it in the eye. Meet it straight-on. Receive its lessons and benefit from knowing what you didn’t know before. Allow the pain of the revelation to birth a new thing in your life- a brand new thing. Running from it will only prolong the pain. Receive the truth and allow it to change you and free you from the lies you once believed.

Once you’ve seen the truth, you will never be the same. Don’t fear the truth- no matter how much it hurts. Let it come forth, and let it set you free.

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