A Deeper Word

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On A Busy Road

God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. John 3:16 (Contemporary English Version, CEV)

Have you ever been on a busy road and really thought about all the people around you? Have you considered the hard-working truckers as you pass their big rigs? Have you ever wondered about the speedy driver that weaves in and out of traffic, impatient and unwilling to wait to get to his destination? What about the “normal” people who seem to be driving along minding their own business and staying on pace with the traffic? Have you thought much about the slow poke who takes his leisurely time? Big cars, little cars, semis, pick-ups, minivans, SUVs, delivery trucks, motorcycles- an endless stream of humanity. We may not give much thought to them, but God knows them all.

Each and every person we encounter has hopes, dreams, hurts, disappointments, responsibilities, and needs. While the encounter may be momentary, each person is an eternal being with a soul, and we should not lose sight of that. God has the amazing ability to see us all at once and one at a time, intimate in His knowledge of every person. His love for each of us knows no end, and He is not willing that any of us- I repeat, any of us- should perish. God wants His best for every single person.

We may or may not have the opportunity to tell each person around us about Jesus, but we can pray, and we can be alert to the Holy Spirit to direct us in interceding for the world around us. We tend to live in a bubble- focused on our own duties and routines and not paying much attention to anyone else. Ask the Lord to help you stay sensitive to the people around you and how you can minister to them. The Lord will lead you in what to do.

It may be as simple as giving a kind word to a cashier at Walmart or giving a good tip to the server at the restaurant. He may have you call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. He may impress on you to donate your time or money to a worthwhile cause. Or He may simply unction you to pray for the other drivers on the road with you.

God’s heart is for people- that’s why Jesus came. If people are at the center of God’s heart, they should be at the center of ours as well.