A Deeper Word

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First and Last

“I am the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end,” says the Lord God. “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come—the Almighty One.” Revelation 1:8 (New Living Translation, NLT)

The book of Revelation, written by the Apostle John, describes John’s spiritual encounter where he was taken to heaven and shown things to come. The name of the book, Revelation, refers to the fact that the purpose of the book is to reveal Christ. The Apostle was shown Jesus Christ in His glorified state, and Jesus Christ spoke to Him. Therefore, we can safely say that the book of Revelation is about Jesus, who is also referred to in Scripture as the Word (John 1:1).

In Revelation 1:8 and Revelation 1:11, Jesus refers to Himself as the Alpha and Omega- the beginning and the end. As you’re probably aware, the New Testament was written in Greek. If you are familiar with the Greek alphabet, you know that alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and omega is the last.

There are many layers of meaning to these verses. Jesus was saying that He is the beginning and end of all things. As Creator, He started time and He will be the One to bring time to an end, bringing the earth into the realm of eternity. He is also the Author and Finisher of our faith, which also refers to Him as the Beginning and the End. However, today, we’re going to look at it a bit differently.

I mentioned that Jesus is referred to as the Word. We also see that He is the Alpha and Omega. That means the Word is the beginning and the end; the first and the last. Everything we believe and do should start and end with the Word of God. As Kenneth Copeland has said many times, we are to keep the Word as first place and final authority in our lives.

First place means that above all else, we rely on the Word for guidance, direction and truth. We aren’t to try everything else and then go to the Word if things don’t work out. No, the Word is to be the first place we turn. If our finances are in bad shape, we go to the Word. If our health is under attack, we go to the Word. if our family situation is filled with strife and division, we go to the Word. If we need peace and comfort, we go to the Word. No matter what we encounter or need, we go to the Word first.

Final authority means that we believe the Word above all other sources of information, knowledge and “wisdom.” If the Bible said it, we believe it- period. We make a solid decision to trust and rely upon the Word no matter what man’s wisdom and the world’s system may tell us. Wih the Word as final authority, everything we listen to and follow must line up with the Word. If it denies or contradicts the Word in any way, we must not accept it as truth.

Today more than ever, we must place the Word of God as the Alpha and Omega in our lives. When we live by the Word and keep it first place and final authority in our lives, we ensure that we will always be walking in the wisdom and knowledge of the Creator of the universe.