A Deeper Word

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The Importance of Discernment

To another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. I Corinthians 12:10 (NKJV)

One of the gifts of the Spirit mentioned in I Corinthians 12 is discerning of spirits. The gifts of the Spirit are given to us as believers to use when the Holy Spirit deems we need each one. An often overlooked and highly important one is the ability to discern spirits.

If you look up the word discerning in the Greek, it comes from the word diakrino, which means to separate thoroughly. It can be interpreted to discriminate, to differ, to judge. In other words, discerning of spirits can help us distinguish the spirit behind something and if it is of God or not. It allows us to look at a circumstance or person to judge if who they are or what they are doing is of God or of the enemy. It can identify the underlying motive and do a lot to protect us from harmful people and situations.

I once worked with someone who simply did not like me. I would actually go as far as to say they hated me. That coworker did everything possible to undermine my reputation and sabotage me in the workplace. Thank God for His protection and for the discerning of spirits. When that coworker tried sneaky, deceptive tricks to draw me into doing something that looked good on the surface but would later provide ammunition to attack me, God would empower me to see those things for what they were. That person would even enlist other employees, unbeknownst to them, to try to throw me off the track, but God knows all and the gift of discerning of spirits kept me from harm. By that spiritual gift, I was able to steer clear of the traps and snares of the enemy.

No matter what we are doing in life, the enemy, the devil, is always looking for someone he can devour. The gift of discerning of spirits can alert us when he is using a person to try to harm or hinder us. You can ask God anytime for the discerning of spirits to show you what is going on behind the scenes and protect you from falling for the deceptive scenarios the enemy tries to set up. And there are times that the Holy Spirit will give you that discernment without the need to ask. You’ll know in your spirit- the world would say “in your gut-” that something isn’t right. That’s the discerning of spirits in operation. it is important to become sensitive to it and to follow its guidance.

Discerning of spirits is invaluable in helping us navigate life safely. It may not seems as flashy as some of the other spiritual gifts like prophecy or working of miracles, but it is extremely important for your success and protection. Thank God for the discerning of spirits!