Face Fear Fearlessly

In yesterday’s blog, “No Fear of Death,” Jim said something that really got my attention. He said that we can face fear fearlessly. A primary weapon used by the enemy is fear. However, we are victorious over it if we know how to face it and reject it.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. II Timothy 1:7 (New Living Translation, NLT)

This tells us that fear is a spirit. And since it is not from God, it is from the devil. The spirit of fear is an evil spirit sent by satan to torment and control us. Fear will come- the enemy will send that demonic spirit to try to stop you from using your faith. However, you don’t need to receive or cave to its pressure. As a child of God, you have authority over the devil and his demons.

Evil people who follow satan and hate God use fear as a tactic to try to control us. This is why there was so much doom and gloom on the media when we were fighting a worldwide virus. Fear of death, fear of loss of employment, and other fear tactics manipulated many people into following medical advice they wouldn’t have otherwise followed. And don’t think they won’t try it again.

There has been a battle between good and evil going on since before man was created. And we’ve been in the midst of an intense spiritual war in this nation for quite some time. We are nearing the climactic end of this national struggle, and even worldwide struggle, for the freedom that we are promised as those made in the image of God. But, the enemy is desperate. His people will not go quietly. Expect them to unleash every evil plan they can, including diseases, terrorism, war, economic devastation, even weather disasters (yes, they can do that), and more. They will pull out all the stops, but we don’t have to worry or be afraid. They are trying to get us to give into the spirit of fear. We can face fear fearlessly.

When the enemy tries to get you to fear because of the reports of sickness, death, lack, destruction, or whatever, just refuse to fear. Yes, we can actually refuse to fear. Simply speak it out loud. “I refuse to fear. Get behind me satan, in the name of Jesus.” Prophets and patriots alike have been saying things are going to look very bad for a short time and then God is going to perform a rescue operation unlike anything mankind has ever seen before. It is going to be awe-inspiring. We don’t have to fear. Instead we can celebrate when things look the worst because we know the outcome will be good for us and very bad for the wicked.

Breakthrough is coming! Restoration of this nation and world is coming! Plenteous provision is coming! Wholeness for the body and soul is coming! A massive revival is coming! An immense harvest of souls is coming! God’s glory is coming! So, refuse to fear. You can face fear fearlessly.

Our Exodus

Our Exodus

No Fear of Death

No Fear of Death