A Deeper Word

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Christ Is Made Unto Us...

 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: I Corinthians 1:30 (KJV)

This powerful verse tells us that Christ is made unto us four things: wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. Let’s take a closer look at each of these four things so we can gain a greater understanding of what has been done for us.


Wisdom is the Greek word sophia. It refers to a practical application of knowledge. God’s wisdom is revealed and manifested in Christ. The Bible says Christ is the wisdom and power of God. When we receive Jesus Christ, we receive God’s wisdom. Thus, Christ, the Anointed One, places His wisdom in us. We are anointed to know things by the Spirit of God. Wisdom helps us draw out that which is in us so we can walk it out in our lives.


Righteousness in the Greek is dikaiosune, meaning equity of character or act; justification; being right. It is a gift from God to us. As we believe in Christ, we are brought into a right relationship with God. He gives us a position of '“rightness” before the Lord. We cannot bring ourselves to this position- it is only through faith in Christ. Christ is our righteousness and makes us righteous (II Corinthians 5:21)


Sanctification is the Greek word Hagiasmos, which is holiness, purity, and separation unto God. Through Christ, the Holy Spirit makes us holy as Christ is holy. We are given His purity and are called saints so we can pursue our Christian course.


Redemption is Apolutrosis in Greek, and it means to release on payment. speaking of a ransom or a price paid to redeem someone or something. Deliverance from sin into freedom comes through the ransom paid by Christ for all. Anyone can be delivered if they so choose. Other words that have similar meaning are remission, forgiveness, reconciliation, and atonement.

It All Comes Together

Christ is our wisdom, giving us the ability to be righteous and do right. Christ, the Anointed One and His anointing, sets us apart, sanctifying us to live and experience His redemption. Wisdom allows us to know we are righteous; understanding who we are in Christ and Who Christ is in us. Righteousness gives us inheritance rights- now and forever. As we live separated lives, we experience our redemption. As we abide and remain in Christ, we become all He made us to be.