A Deeper Word

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From Loss To Gain

All you’ve lost- take it to the cross. When Jesus died, all seemed lost, but three days later what seemed to be lost was resurrected. God can and will take our losses and redeem it all back. We can exchange our loss for Christ’s gain.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. John 12:24 (KJV)

If we count our losses as seed sown, we can watch God raise up a harvest for us. You see, nothing is wasted with God- not your hurts, disappointments, lost years, tears, lost finances. When placed in God’s hands, He holds it, molds it, and gives it back to us in better condition than before and more than before. God turns mistakes into miracles, brokenness into wholeness, and loss into gain.

But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel; Philippians 1:12 (KJV)

Paul said that in the imprisonments, beatings and other horrible things he went through, the Gospel was advancing and people were being saved. If we give ehatever we face to God, He will bless it and use it for the furtherance of His kingdom. When we understand this, we see that nothing can stop us or defeat us.

God knew all our days before we were ever born. He knew all our sins, failures and mistakes, yet He chose us. So we need to keep choosing Him by wanting Him more and more. God will take the bad and turn it for our good. And we will be better for it. The bad that has happened is just an opportunity to see and know for ourselves how much God loves us, is for us, and is working for us. God is for you, not against you.

God will take you from not enough to too much- all because you placed it all in His hands. God will turn your grief into gold, your losses into lessons, and take you from a failure to a fighter. With God, the greatest losses become the greatest gains. As the ground crushes the seed to bring forth life, what is crushed in you will bring about the life of Christ and the character of Christ. You will become a new person because of it.

God takes us from defeat to victory, from loss to gain, from death to life, and from the cross to a crown. We will wear a victor’s crown, a trophy of God’s goodness for all to see.