Let The Word Work
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: II Timothy 3:16 (KJV) emphasis mine
This refers to the entirety of the written Word of God. God gives us revelation of His Word.
Inspired means that it is God-breathed. God inspired the writers of His Word to write what was given to them by the Holy Spirit. We cannot add or take away from the canon of Scripture. Once written, it is the complete Word of God. All revelation must come from Scripture and line up with Scripture.
All Scripture is profitable, or useful. His Word will profit and benefit us in our entire being- spirit, soul, and body.- and in every area of life. Scripture will help us spiritually, physically, relationally, socially, and emotionally. All we do and say must line up with God’s Word.
Doctrine refers to that which is taught. As we get biblical teaching that we can live by, it matures us, and we profit by it in all areas of life.
Reproof in the Greek means conviction, evidence, proof, that which is proven or tested. God’s Word will convict us when we miss it or about what is right or wrong. The Word will prove to us what is truth and what is a lie. We can prove or and test everything by God’s Word.
When we mess up and fall flat on our backs, God’s Word will get us standing tall again. It restores us to improve our character and life. It gets us back to where we are supposed to be. It corrects us and our path. God’s Word will breathe in us to stand upright and to keep living for God.
Instruction In Righteousness
Instruction is training. Just as God breathed into Adam and He became a living soul, God will breathe into us, giving us new life and instructing and training us. He educates us to be morally upright and godly. God’s Word will train us in righteousness- how to live right in thought, word, and deed.
As we spend time with God and in His Word, God breathes in us. We receive His inspiration, teaching, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness- and it profits us.